2015-7-12 · setclock dst-off set clock ntp set clock timezone setvrouter trust-vr sharable set vrouter "untrust-vr" exit set vrouter "trust-vr" unset auto-route-export exit set service "TOMCAT" protocol tcp src-port 0-65535 dst-port 8080-8080 set alg appleichat enable

2015-7-12 · setclock dst-off set clock ntp set clock timezone setvrouter trust-vr sharable set vrouter "untrust-vr" exit set vrouter "trust-vr" unset auto-route-export exit set service "TOMCAT" protocol tcp src-port 0-65535 dst-port 8080-8080 set alg appleichat enable 两台SSG320M通过HA做双击热备,怎么做双ISP冗 … 2020-7-16 Netscreen-ScreenOS - My Notebook 2020-6-18 · unset zone "V1-Trust" tcp-rst unset zone "V1-Untrust" tcp-rst set zone "DMZ" tcp-rst unset zone "V1-DMZ" tcp-rst unset zone "VLAN" tcp-rst set zone "Untrust" screen tear-drop set zone "Untrust" screen syn-flood set zone "Untrust" screen ping-death set zone "Untrust" screen ip-filter-src

{ unset key protection enable set clock timezone 0 set vrouter trust-vr sharable set vrouter "untrust-vr" exit set vrouter "trust-vr" unset auto-route-export exit set alg appleichat enable unset alg appleichat re-assembly enable set alg sctp enable set auth-server "Local" id 0 set auth-server "Local" server-name "Local" set auth default auth

2009-10-9 · 要不要给你一个啊,配置参考啊(包括L2TP-VPN设定)。不过需要你自己研究一下啊。相关IP为假设的。文字太多,分为多段补充。 set clock timezone 7 set clock dst recurring start-weekday 2 0 3 02:00 end-weekday 1 0 11 02:00 set vrouter trust-vr external clients desktop sharing fails

SSG - VR / Zone / Interface - ネットワークエンジ …

set clock timezone 1 set vrouter trust-vr sharable set vrouter "untrust-vr" exit set vrouter "trust-vr" unset auto-route-export exit set service "MyVOIP_UDP4569" protocol udp src-port 0-65535 dst-port 4569-4569 set service "MyVOIP_TCP22" protocol tcp src-port 0-65535 dst-port 22-22 set service "MyRDP" protocol tcp src-port 0-65535 dst-port 3389 Hi all, Can you please provide me the correct config to connect Netscreen NS-25 to internet. My design is follows: 1. ADSL modem 2. Internet Router (IP : 3. 直送品 代引不可 (ツーリングラック)トラスコ ツーリングラック BT NT50兼用 48個収納 ロック付 W色 vtl-68-aw JUNIPER SSG5 初始化設定 關於如何恢復闖廠配置,請自行參考以下之連結: Juniper SSG 忘記登錄密碼!恢復出廠設置 我們這次利用序號登入來恢復出廠設定: login: 016xxxxxxxxxxx18 password: Dec 12, 2012 · unset key protection enable set clock timezone -6 set clock dst recurring start-weekday 2 0 3 02:00 end-weekday 1 0 11 02:00 set vrouter trust-vr sharable set vrouter "untrust-vr" exit set vrouter "trust-vr" unset auto-route-export exit set alg appleichat enable unset alg appleichat re-assembly enable set alg sctp enable set auth-server "Local